Looking for Words 2.6

Looking for Words 2.6

It engages reasoning skills while building vocabulary and reading skills
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2.6.1 See all
Attainment Company, Inc
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Looking for Words is a community exploration program that engages reasoning skills while building vocabulary and enriching reading competence. Engaging graphics, interesting animation and clear speech help teach hundreds of words in context. Features “explore,” “list,” and “picture print” options. In “explore,” students freely move to different locations, 24 in all, learning new words as they go. Select any object and it identifies itself. In the Living Room at home, click on "lamp," "fireplace," or "window," for example, and each word appears in text and is pronounced. In the Music Room, click to hear sound effects for "saxophone," "piano" and "drums" among others.

In the “list” option, students search for specific words on their list (randomly or teacher chosen).

Use the “picture print” option to create student activities or illustrated vocabulary booklets. Scores are saved to track skill development.



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